
Project History

The Hello Project was originally designed to be a theatre-making project. It began in 2019 with two series of workshops in Chuncheon, and shifted online in 2020 due to COVID-19. 

The process was facilitated by Company Bad, with the support of Ten Spoons Association, Inc.

The Hello Project process:

  • Encourages the development of relationships and collaboration between people who are different to each other
  • Is bilingual, delivered in Korean and English
  • Encourages artists to present their own stories and lived experiences to each other and to audiences 
  • Allows artists to self-determine their content, and how they’re represented 
  • Is flexible, gentle, and challenging all at once.  

Summer 2019

This first workshop series brought us all together in a rehearsal room. In this phase, we focused on building a group identity, explored ideas creatively.

A group of people sitting in a circle in a rehearsal studio

In this phase of the process, we discovered how we would like to work together, and started to explore themes that we were interested in. We also started to train as a group, developing our physical, vocal, and ensemble skills. 

More than anything, I liked last year’s rehearsal of Hello, Summer.

The most exciting and memorable event was the dance party where everyone became one regardless of their nationality, or whether they experience disability or not.

A selection of photos pegged on to a string

The first performance of the Hello Project… I put these photos on the wall at the coffee shop, feeling so proud.


Winter 2019

Jongmin dancing on a stage under theatre lights with an ensemble of actors in a semicircle around him clapping
5 artists on stage knocking over the chairs in front of them

The second workshop series occured in Momzit Theatre. In this phase, we familiarised ourselves with performing on a stage, and generated new material to test in front of an audience. We structured a performance piece that showcased our own stories and the movement pieces that we’d devised. 

It is amazing to see people with severe disability engage in creative and artistic activities. I want to play the role I can play so that people with disability can shine further on stage.


Online 2020

Since we were unable to come together in the same space to create our theatre show, in 2020 we moved our collaboration online.

Instead of working towards a live performance, we focused on creating content for this website.

Through a series of tasks, we wrote about ourselves, took photos of our everyday lives, planned self portraits, and worked on individual creative projects – from podcasts to comics, to animations, to cooking shows. 


In 2021, content from this Digital Art Book was showcased in a physical exhibition in Chuncheon and Seoul. See more information here.
